Why Is My 4 Year Old Wetting Herself Again

Four year one-time girl keeps on wetting herself

(12 Posts)

shell1980 Sun 23-Jul-06 21:45:09

Can anyone help my daughter is 4 and has been dry for ages but recently has started to wee herself, i think she is being lazy equally she usually does information technology while out playing and she is so engrosed in what she is doing she either forgets or only cant be bothered Grandma thinks its for attention but im not convinced i have tried the nice approach of never mind information technology doesnt matter but we are now at the telling off stage its happening that oftentimes i hate telling her off merely this cant go on she starts schoolhouse in 6 weeks i dont desire her to be the one that wets herself anyone got ideas on how to end it happening?!!!

WigWamBam Lord's day 23-Jul-06 21:46:55

How long'due south it been going on for? Any chance she could have a UTI?

Attempt not to tell her off for information technology; she'due south but little and chances are she's non doing it deliberately. Plus, if she's attending-seeking, telling her off merely gives her the attending she needs.

shell1980 Sunday 23-Jul-06 21:55:07

I dont call up she has a uti but saying that she was complaining that her back was hurting but when i took her to the doctor ( who is rubbish) he only said he didnt know!! She had an operation a couple of months agone was put under anasthetic and was really bad later on that merely she seemed to sort herself out after a while! I know i shouldnt shout at her but its and so frusrating when she has been dry since she was 2 and a half!!

spidermama Sun 23-Jul-06 21:56:16

My 4 yr old went through a stage of this which ran its class. It was very frustrating but only lasted virtually 2 months.

Caligula Sunday 23-Jul-06 21:57:04

If you think it'due south for attending, then don't giver this behaviour whatsoever attention. My DD who is too iv also occasionally wets herself, she's besides starting school in September. When she does it, I simply tell her to get and alter her pants (and clothes if necessary) so that we can behave on doing whatever we were doing. I don't bear witness any irritation (though I sometimes feel information technology), I'm only very matter of fact. Don't worry about her being "the ane that wets herself" - you'll make her worry most it, cause her stress, and make it more likely to happen. Also, the teachers are used to dealing with this at present that kids are starting school so young (at my DS's school, nosotros are asked to provide spare socks and pants for reception children). It actually isn't that unusual, honestly, she won't be the merely one who wets herself, loads of them do at least one time in the kickoff year.

The ohter affair if you lot think it's an attention thing, is to give her praise when she remembers to go to the loo even in the middle of a game. Or to remind her, and then praise her loads when she does a wee-wee, so that she gets the message that when she wets herself in that location's no mileage in it merely if she doesn't, she gets loads of positive attending.

As information technology'south a recent thing, could it likewise be a slight worry about starting schoolhouse? Or every bit WWB says, it could be an infection, it might exist worth getting it checked out.


shell1980 Sunday 23-Jul-06 22:02:35

Thank you for your help it means alot to know nosotros are non solitary

WigWamBam Lord's day 23-Jul-06 22:10:43

If the surgery is only recent it could nevertheless exist having a knock-on effect. Changes of routine and things similar hospitals can really knock children sideways, and information technology might exist the root crusade of your dd's wetting.

I'd become the GP to test a sample of her urine to rule out an infection first, and if that's articulate then endeavour to address it in other ways. I know it's frustrating merely yelling at her is very counter-productive - if information technology's attention seeking you are giving her the attention, if information technology's because of disease or the surgery and so she needs cutting a bit of slack really.

shell1980 Mon 24-Jul-06 21:18:36

Hiya just wanted to let you lot know i took on lath all your advice and had a much better day today she didnt wee at all today which is fab and every time she went to the loo i fabricated a big fuss of how cleveer she is and her dad took her out with him this night for being a big girl she was buzzing off the attention in a good style rather than a negative way!!

Caligula Mon 24-Jul-06 21:54:00

Dandy shell, glad it went well today.

mgooge Thu 31-Aug-06 01:27:20

My four year old girl is doing the same thing. She'd wet herself just minutes later we've asked her if she needs to become potty. What I've institute is that what she is doing is far more interesting than the potty. Although she knows she can stop what she's doing there's just no incentive. Trust me, nosotros've tried reward systems in the by. What I discovered is the bathroom is tedious. White walls, no kid decorations, zip. So I've started posting cards and kid artwork on the walls. They're disposable for the near part so when they get wet from humidity it's no large deal. Each time she goes potty, we post a new carte or piece of kid art on the walls for her to await at. Heaven knows adults have magazines with them - why not preschoolers?

Bucketsofdinosaurs Thu 31-Aug-06 10:07:55

My niece did this the summer before she started school. She was always very babyish and I think she just didn't like the talk of beingness a large daughter for school etc. You just accept to not make a fuss about the weeing or school.
Have a look for some big sized washable trainer pants for when she does get-go, they wait like real pants and concord a dribble so she'll feel a chip safer if she gets nervous near wetting herself. And pack spare pants in her purse basically.

girlie1 Thu 07-Sep-06 18:03:57

Simply picked up this thread feeling a bit guilty myself as take merely gone loopy at my 4 year erstwhile who peed all over the carpet - a huge wee well-nigh the loo merely didn't go there on time. Trouble is it happens 3/4 times a week at the moment and we besides get bits of poo in the pants earlier she decides she needs to go quite regularly. Y'all don't hateful to get aroused simply esp equally we are still having quite a few sleep problems sometimes you lot feel knackered and tin can't assistance information technology. The accidents happen because shes busy or engrossed although nosotros know very well she can become in adept time.
So yep it does happen quite a flake and I think you would have to exist a saint non to get aroused occasionally. Am certain they will all abound out of it soon!

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Source: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/parenting/195326-four-year-old-girl-keeps-on-wetting-herself

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